Monday, February 15, 2010

Photoshop Assignment... No BD:(

So, Brett has pink eye, and needless to say he’s not cooperating at all. So, I guess I will post one from one of my “self shoots” I did this morning. It’s heavily photoshopped so I guess that will be informative! Sorry, that you’re looking at me again. I’d rather shoot the boy.
Here’s the original. Again, zeroed out, raw image, shot with my 24-70 2.8 (at 70) with ISO 250 and 1/100 shutter speed on a tripod with the 10 sec release.
So starting with Adobe Camera Raw, I increased the brightness to 69 and the contrast to 53. Opening it up in Photoshop, I started off with correcting any “lumps” with the liquefy tool, and healing brush to take care of minor blemishes and moles. After that I created a low opacity skin tone fill layer and painted over the lines around my eyes with a light hand. I then merged those two layers, and ran Portraiture (an expensive cheat at skin smoothing). Next, I created a high pass layer with a duplicate layer over top. I then “popped” the eyes, hair, and necklace. Next, I created a soft light layer and used it to burn and dodge important highlights and shadows (especially in the hair and eyes, but also around the arms so they wouldn’t blend into the sheets. Next, I created a duplicate of the background and used lens blur at a power of 78. I masked it back my face and neck. Finally, I created a creamy look through the use of a gradient fill layer to desaturate everything a bit, then two color layers one kinda pinky and the other a bit orangy.

Finally, I ran it through my resize and label action.


  1. Raechel, you are amazing!!! Great job!
    I guess we can now entertain the question: "is this the truth?"

  2. First of all you look amazing! Secondly I totally envey your photoshop genius!

    Very good work! I love it! (and I bet your hubby did too ;)
